03 Oktober 2008


Anna Dearhart (born March, 23 1984) is a sensual model of "Popular". She guarantees that her body is real. "Even I have small breast (small breast? Are you drunk?) but I don’t need plastic surgery, at least for now", she said.

Well...We will agree with you… he love girls payudara but hate silicone!

“Fitness is a good solution to make your body fit and tight and don’t forget to sleep enough”, She said. According to our mascot, it’s ok to spend the night (dugem) once in a while as long as it’s good for your pleasure.

Enjoy Anna Dearhart photo gallery below, click thumbnail to view big picture.

Anna DearhartAnna DearhartAnna Dearhart

Anna DearhartAnna DearhartAnna Dearhart

Anna DearhartAnna DearhartAnna Dearhart

Anna Dearhart - Fitness Centerfold

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